Lead Risk Assessment Aggregated Chart
Nutrition Assessment Aggregated Chart
Skills Assessment Aggregated Chart
Child Surveys are designed to allow agencies to collect information about enrolled children and analyze the aggregated results through charts and graphs. Child Surveys can be used to collect information for any number of purposes, such as:
When KinderCharts is initially configured for your Agency, the KinderCharts database will be synchronized with your own child database, importing both your Site/Classroom structure and your enrolled children into KinderCharts. Once accomplished the first time, resynchronizing the KinderCharts to your child database to pick up new enrollments and enrollment status changes is a simple process that typically takes only a couple of minutes to perform.
Children are accessed by teachers, home visitors, case workers, and managers through the child’s Classroom. Child Surveys are entered under the child and can always be found under the child's name.
Developing Child Surveys is easy. Simply...
After the Survey results are entered, you can run reports with graphs showing the distribution of responses for each Survey question with aggregated roll-up reports, based on your hierarchical Site/Classroom structure, culminating in an Agency-level aggregated roll-up. Using Microsoft Excel's rich set of chart tools, you can tailor the charts to create powerful and informational presentations.
Sample charts are shown to the right.