Staff Surveys


Staff Self-Assessment Aggregated Chart


Staff Management-Assessment Aggregated Chart


ECE Degree Aggregated Chart

Staff Surveys are designed to allow agencies to collect information about their staff and analyze the aggregated results through charts and graphs. Staff Surveys can be used to collect information for any number of purposes, such as:

  1. Staff Self-Assessment
  2. Staff Education and Background
  3. Staff Management Assessments

Staff Surveys can be entered for any staff person who has an active account in KinderCharts. Staff typically only have access to their own Survey instruments. Managers can be given permissions to all Staff Surveys.

Developing Staff Surveys is easy. Simply...

  1. Develop your agency-defined Staff Survey questions and answers, or select the desired third-party instrument you have permission to use.
  2. Enter the questions and possible answers into KinderCharts.
  3. Then start entering the responses for each Staff person.

After the Survey results have been entered, you can run reports with graphs showing the distribution of responses for each Survey question with an aggregated roll-up report at the Agency-level. Using Microsoft Excel's rich set of chart tools, you can tailor the charts to create powerful and informative presentations.

Sample charts are shown to the right.

Request a Demo Today! or Contact Sales for more information!

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